Valentines for Black Creatives

To inform Curiosity’s audience about the importance of Black art and highlighting local talent.

Client: Curiosity advertising

Deliverables: Two Valentine’s day themed Instagram carousels that showcase the work of two local artists. 


Featured Creatives

I researched multiple artists across social media and explored their work on their websites. I selected theses artists for their well-honed craft and whether Curiosity would be able to purchase some of their work.


Keeping with the Valentinea Day theme portaits of the artists are held in heart shaped frames combined with the romantic flourish of Sansita Black. 
The body copy and work labels are Libre Franklin. Images bleed into the margins of the next to introduce the next slide of the carousel without disrrupting readability.

Final Posts

Final Posts
The final posts use Sansita Black and varying sizes and weights of Libre Franklin to create a strong sense of heirarchy. A pattern was created using our brand circles, asteriks, and heart shapes that stand out agains the soft pink and cream gradient background.
A pattern was created using our brand circles, asteriks, and heart shapes that stand out agains the soft pink and cream gradient background.
