Curiosity Social Media

To create captivating monthly social media content for multiple clients and increase customer engagement 

First Client: Sunset Grown

Deliverables: An Instagram reel showing off Sunset Grown produce for Victoria Day, a Canadian holiday

*All images used belong to Sunset Grown.


I compiled a moodboard that had inspiration from Sunset’s existing visual identity, commonly used Victoria Day imagery, and images of the product that Sunset wanted to promote.
Victoria Day is a communal holiday meant to transcend religious and cultural differences so each iteration has different Sunset grown produce forming the shape of the maple leaf. The palette is the same as the Canadian flag.


The thumbnails in the first version start with a Canadian maple leaf and the palette of the Canadian flag. The leaf fades to reveal a variety of Sunset Grown’s seasonal tomatoes. The words ‘Happy Victoria Day’ move in from offscreen.
The thumbnails in the second version start three rows of Angel Sweet tomatoes that unite to form a Canadian maple leaf. The words ‘Happy Victoria Day’ fade in with the completed leaf.

Final Reel

Final Reel
The final reel is much quicker and has Angel Sweet tomatoes forming the outline of the maple leaf while the words ‘Happy Victoria Day’ appear.

Curiosity Social Media

To create an instagram reel to raise awarness of  the 150th anniversary of the Zaandam cruise ship

Second Client: Holland America Cruiseline

Deliverables: An Instagram reel celebrating Holland America’s Zaandam cruise.

*All images used belong to Holland America Cruiseline.



This Instagram reel was created for the 150th anniversary of the Zaandam cruise ship. I was given a map of the ships’ route, along with Holland’s logo, and brand typefaces.
To showcase Zaandam’s route I used a continuous line marking each stop on the prolific cruise’s route. At the last stop the words Happy Birthday Zaandam appear with confetti.

Final Reel

Final Reel
The finished real used a map with an aged paper texture and follows the path of the Zaandam ship. Timing is quick as it was to be an Instagram reel and the very last stop brings confetti down over the composition.

Curiosity Instagram

To drive audience engagement to the Thought Leadership articles featured on Curiosity’s website

Third Client: Curiosity Advertising

Deliverables: An Instagram carousel that connects Curiosity’s social media following to their Thought Leadership articles

*All images used belong to Curiosity.

Carousel Iterations

I worked with our Marketing Intern to source quotes from each article and gathered their cover images.
These posts were meant to be very quick and swipeable so I experimented with where I was placing the title and the quote from each article. The type uses Libre Franklin a sans serif for readability and headers use Sansita Black for added typographic texture. 

Final Carousel

Final Carousel
A carousel post that combines a quote from each article with their cover image. It is a brief swipe-through to engage readers with a hook before they explore Curiosity’s website.
