Cincinnati Art Museum


This co-op required the ability to research, design, and, physically produce content for the museum. 


The Cincinnati Art Museum


A simplified tote bag design for the Magic Mirror that fit brand guidelines.



The Magic Mirror is a bronze disc in the CAM East Asian art collection that was discovered to have a hidden image when light was projected onto it. This prompted media attention and plans to design and produce tote bags inspired by the discovery.

Image Credits

Buddhist Bronze Mirror (back), 15–16th century, China or Japan, bronze, Source Unknown, Cincinnati Art Museum. Photograph: Rob Deslongchamps.  Demonstration of Buddhist Bronze Mirror, 15–16th century, China or Japan, bronze, Source Unknown, Cincinnati Art Museum.
Photograph: Rob Deslongchamps.

Bag Iterations

CAM’s tote bag style includes very simplified versions of detailed artwork so I began with a simple ellipse for the disc with a 6pt line weight for the handle and rim. The characters were drawn to capture their rough texture. The palette includes CAM’s signature brand red contrasted with a bright white.


Developed a template for the calendar and exhibition sponsor page of the museum member magazine.


The Cincinnati Art Museum


A template to use for future versions of the member magazine that fits museum branding and accessibility standards.

Final Layout

We were able to account for four months worth of activities using a single spread while maintaining the airy and clean look of the publication.  Visitors will have an easier time finding what events they would like to attend and what unique requirements they may have. Members and organizations who donated will have a space dedicated to their generosity that is clean and spacious.